Week three of Vim

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I’d played around with Vim before this summer; the weird compiler setup for a programming class had me SSHing into their computers and using Vim while my classmates struggled with the lag of VNC. But I struggled with the editor; I spent most of my time in Insert Mode without learning any commands.

I’d always wanted to learn Vim, though. It’s a lot more cross-platform (and free) than the TextMate I’ve used for years, and I was unsatisfied with gedit on my Ubuntu install. This summer, I vowed, would be the summer where I gave Vim a shot.

I’m on week three, and I love it. I’m still hardly fluent, but I want to be. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

Hopefully, I’ll be a full-bearded Vim wizard by the end of this summer! Wish me luck.